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Gearing Up for a Productive Year

Where are your leads currently coming from? Based on last weeks live, you should have printed your deals from this year and know where each of those deals are coming from. What tools & systems are you using that is providing you a positive return on investment, which ones aren't working at all. Evaluate if they are or aren't working based on actually "working them"... more often then not we buy the shiny new object but forget to set aside the time to learn it, or work it to get the maximum results. Sometimes systems and tools are better to bit off in bite size chunks which is why we love using our business calendar by the month versus as the year in whole. If we say I want to implement "X system" in February and really dedicate the time to learn it and put it to use by March you may be ready to implement something new! Use this week to really think about the systems and tools that you are paying for, think about the sources that you might want to double down on and tools that may not work for your business that you can cancel and save time / money.

Things to think about:

What systems & tools does your Brokerage or Franchise offer? You may be surprised at what you already have at your fingertips! Take the time and dive into these programs to save yourself some $$!

If your sources are mostly coming from X, what can you do for next year to double down on that source?

As you think about your systems and tools, start writing down ways to make improvements on what works, what you would like to implement so when it comes time for your business planning it will be a lot easier on you!

Website, CRM, Task Manager, Social Media, Online Presence,

**Agent Action Plan** Is it time for you to do an organizational checkup for your home and business as well? It’s been a busy year for many agents and often that means a lot of things get left undone. Take an hour this week to find out what is out of sync in your life then put a plan in place to get things organized.

Words of Wisdom You will never be completely ready. Start from wherever you are. (Progress, NOT perfection)


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