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Agent Action Steps for MAXTech Powered by kvCORE!

Are you about to launch MAXTech Powered by kvCORE? Not sure where to start? We made a quick action step checklist for you to learn your dashboard, get your contacts imported and begin having fun with lead gen thru text codes & squeeze pages!

If you have a custom domain:

All subdomains will point to the MAX/tech websites once the company becomes active which is when the DNS call is completed. However, if an agent has a vanity domain set up in booj, that vanity will continue to show the booj website until they log into kvCORE and choose to have their vanity domain moved over to MAX/Tech. This will give them time to access the system but it is important to note that booj will eventually fully sunset so any vanity domains that are not transferred will eventually die out once booj sunsets later this year. Steps for moving your domain from booj to kvCORE.

Did we enhance your booj site - If we did your booj websites and added pages for cities / areas and you use our kvCORE website services, we will get all of that content moved over to your kvCORE website AND you receive a $200 discount on our website plans!

NEW to kvCORE? My 1st Homework steps for an agent:

  1. Complete the Blue Bubble Start up tasks, this will be a quick overview of navigating your system!

  2. Complete the Agent Quick Start Guide! Take 10-15 minutes each morning to complete this series, trust me, you will think me later! This will be the very basics of the platform!

  3. Watch the Video below, yes, it may be an hour but you will get a sneak peak into best uses of the platform!

  4. Download the apps and go into your profile to add your Signature (these are also steps from your Blue Bubble set up but just in case you didn't do step 1, this is your reminder). ;-)

  5. Feel free to check out more training links, videos, articles and more on my MAXTech page!

  6. For tips / CSV template to get your contacts imported, scroll down to the bottom of this page!

  7. Use the links below for other videos to watch!


Importing your contacts into kvCORE can be a simple process if you use their importing template Here are some tips and the spreadsheet you can start working on now so when it opens in your area you are ready to go!

When importing contacts into kvCORE, you have two options: let us handle it for you to save time and avoid incorrectly importing your data or import the contacts yourself to retain full control over the process.

Regardless of the import option you choose, we recommend that you use the applicable import template as a guide for formatting your file.

Please Note: You will not get New Lead Notifications for leads you manually add or are via a CSV.

Import Templates (Recommended)

Please Note: There is a max file size of 2MB. The file must contain a header row.

kvCORE Lead Import Template - USA Format

Please Note: Imported Leads CANNOT have automated Campaigns and/or Search Alerts assigned to leads using the import hashtag (i.e."import1234567") or the Source "Lead Import". Imported Leads CAN have automated Campaigns and/or Search Alerts assigned to leads with a unique Hashtag, Status, Type, etc.

Some Other Tips:

Import Overview (1 min.)

Supported Import Fields (4 min.)

How to Send a Welcome Email After Importing Your Contacts (3 min.)

🎥US Lead Import File - Video (8 min.)

🎥Do It Yourself - Video (3 min.)

🎥Let kvCORE Handle It - Video (3 min.)

Check out the many Tutorials kvCORE has available with some tips on making your import smooth! Click Here


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